It is hard to believe that our new legislators were sworn in just last week by Sullivan County Family Court Judge Mark Meddaugh.
All partisan politics must now be put aside, and everyone must work together in unity for the betterment of Sullivan County.
Indeed, the “Honeymoon Period” is now on for Luis Alvarez, Nadia Rajsz, Terri Ward, Joe Perrello, Catherine Owens, Mark McCarthy, Ira Steingart, Scott Samuelson, and Alan Sorensen.
Luis Alvarez was the perfect choice to be named Chairman. He is well liked and has the leadership skills to work well with everyone. He has the respect of Republicans, Democrats, and independents.
Alvarez’s objectiveness affords him the ability to analyze all aspects of an issue before reaching a conclusion. As a respected member of the Sheriff’s Department, Alvarez proved to all of us that he has the demeanor, intelligence, and people skills we need in a person in charge and that of a spokesman.
Nadia Rajsz is more than able-bodied to be vice chairman and work effectively with Alvarez. Although Nadia ran and won on the Republican line she is a Democrat, and as the former Supervisor of Lumberland has proven her bipartisan skills and effectiveness as an outstanding elected official.
Equally impressive are the legislators Alvarez selected to head important committees. He put the right people in the right places, not because of politics, but because of expertise.
Showing his desire for teamwork, he placed Vice Chair Rajsz on all committees. As chairman, Alvarez automatically sits on all committees.
Ira Steingart will remain chairman of the Community and Economic Development Committee which includes him being chair of the IDA. Steingart understands the need for economic development and business retention.
The selection of Nadia Rajsz to head Health and Family Services is exceptional. As a professional who works at Orange Regional, Rajsz understand the needs of health and family services. She is also the perfect choice to head the Personnel Committee, and Vice Chair the Management and Budget Committee where former Legislative Chairman Scott Samuelson will act as chairman.
Terri Ward is an exceptional selection to head Public Safety. Her husband is a well-respected New York State Trooper and she has always been an advocate for law enforcement. Ward also understands that in order for Sullivan County to attract economic development, new homeowners, and tourists, we must live in a safe and secure environment. Mark McCarthy is the ideal person to be Vice Chairman of Public Safety. He is a strong advocate for the construction of the new jail, and I am certain he will ensure that it will be built.
As our former Planning Commissioner, Alan Sorenson knows Planning, Environmental Management and Real Planning. Sorenson is a respected leader in the field, and I am glad Sorenson will remain as chair of that important committee.
Joe Perrello knows Public Works inside and out. He is a true advocate for our workforce, and knows how important it is for our infrastructure to be maintained and updated for our safety.
Catherine Owens is a great selection to chair Sustainability Policy as well as Government Services. Mark McCarty is perfect to Chair the Veterans Committee.
The complete list of the 2016 Legislative Committees can be viewed here:
Over the next few weeks and months our new leaders will be reviewing, discussing, and making changes to county government.
I am hopeful that our new leaders will make appropriate adjustments to provide us with a more efficient, productive, and transparent government.
Alvarez wants to open up our government and put an end to backroom caucuses. He also wants all meetings videotaped.
The road to repair will not be easy. Poverty affects one of out of every five residents, and we are ranked nearly last out of 62 counties in terms of a healthy population.
We must think out of the box, be innovative, and come up with a long term plan. Those that have become too comfortable and lazy better wake up real fast, because the new bosses in town say they are not going to put up with it.
I wish all of our legislators the best of luck.
Bill Liblick has made a name for himself on National TV Talk Shows where he spouted his outspoken views from the front row. Now he offers you his opinion every week in the “MOUTH THAT ROARS” Column in THE SULLIVAN COUNTY POST.
Congratulation Luis for your effort to make Sullivan county a safe area to live in. I’m sure that you will continue to do your very best in this new position of government. The many changes of Sullivan county government that are in your hands now, will be very difficult to accomplish to say the least. Your honesty and integrity is highly needed in this county government. Best wishes to you Luis, stay healthy and strong. The silence on this comment section so far tells me, that you will have to be very careful in many ways. Regards, Ernesto Jr.
Congratulation Luis for your effort to make Sullivan county a safe area to live in. I’m sure that you will continue to do your very best in this new position of government. The many changes of Sullivan county government that are in your hands now, will be very difficult to accomplish to say the least. Your honesty and integrity is highly needed in this county government. Best wishes to you Luis, stay healthy and strong.