Yes – I have been a Bad Bad Boy! And Some Democrats Want Me Punished for it!
Several months ago, I wrote a column supporting the reelection of Luis Alvarez (a Republican who is a former Democrat) as Chairman of the Legislature and Nadia Rajaz (a Democrat who won election on the Republican line) as vice-chair of the Legislature.
Let me make this clear this is NOT an election where the electorate comes out to vote. This was an inhouse vote amongst legislators. It was their own reorganizational meeting. This election was not about political parties.
In fact, history will show that over the years there have been several coalition legislative bodies that was inclusive of both political parties in leadership positions.
As you will see by reading the column – I spoke about a bipartisan coalition running Sullivan County and how this legislature is working together getting things done under the current leadership.
Even though the only people who had actual votes in this election were members of the legislature – It did not sit well with some that I voiced my opinion praising Alvarez especially when I am a “non-paid” Democratic Committeeman from Liberty.
Last May, the bylaws of the Sullivan County Democratic Committee were changed to include a section about party loyalty and possible sanctions including removal from the Democratic Committee if – God forbid – a committeeperson said or did something that did not support a Democrat.
As you probably expected to hear by now – A letter was sent to Donna Schick who is Chair of the Sullivan County Democratic Committee questioning my column and asking if I violated the By Laws of the Democratic Committee.
The name of the person who made this inquiry is not being released by Schick despite repeated attempts by me and other members of the executive committee.
Schick, whom I worked to get reelected as chair and even made a heart wrenching speech at last year’s Democratic County Committee reorganizational meeting stating that we needed party unity and squashed an insurgent move to oust her – Could have been a true leader and put a stop to all this – But she chose not to do so.
I received an email that the inquiry was given to a randomly appointed five member Ad Hoc Investigatory Committee.
“Please be advised that today I received an official letter of complaint from other members of the SCDC alleging violations of the SCDC Rules & Regulations. As required by the SCDC By-Laws, the Ad Hoc Committee has been notified and asked to convene. You will be notified of their decision. Thank you, Donna Schick”
And – Guess What – Some of those on this Ad Hoc Committee I hear supported Republicans in the past. The Committee included two town supervisors and a member of the Democratic executive board. This person (who is also the “Legislature Gadfly” and Head of the Sullivan County Ethics Committee”) even told Alvarez he supported him for reelection as Chair of the Legislature.
I was never contacted by this Ad Hoc Committee about my “Mouth That Roars Column” or at the very least given the opportunity to defend myself before them.
Last week I received an email that the Ad Hoc Committee reached a decision and that a meeting of the Sullivan County Democratic Executive Committee was being called to discuss the charges made against a member.
“Dear SCDC Executive Committee:
There will be a meeting on 4/3 @ 6:00pm at Ivan Kalter’s office in Woodbourne. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the decision of the Ad Hoc Committee regarding a complaint that was made about one of our members. The complaint was received on 2/28. The decision was received on 3/23. This matter is confidential. Information will be provided at the meeting.
Thanks, Donna”
I also received a separate email that informed me that the complaint was about my column.
“Please be advised that the Ad Hoc committee has completed its investigation into the complaint against you and provided me with their decision on 3/23. I will be passing this information on to the Executive Committee shortly. We will also be scheduling an Exec. Comm. meeting to resolve the situation.
For your information, the complaint consisted of a copy of your “Mouth That Roars” article entitled “Sullivan County Enters 2018: Keep Alvarez and Rajsz Leadership Positions”. The complaint asked that the Committee look into this (that Democratic Committee members cannot openly support Republicans).
Thank you.”
The Sullivan County Executive Committee is comprised of Town Chairs, elected Democratic Officials, and hand appointed members of the chairperson.
On the other hand, the Sullivan County Democratic Committee is comprised of those Committee people who are elected by the voters in their district. If the Executive Committee votes to remove a person, it would then go before the full Sullivan County Democratic Committee and there would be a process that includes weighed voting.
It should also be noted that all of this was done under the dome of confidentiality. But because this is about me – Under the Law – I can discuss or release any information that is about myself to anyone that I choose to, and I choose to do so to you. I have never released confidential information unless the person it is about wants it released.
At the Executive Committee meeting attended by people like former legislator Kathleen LaBuda (with excited anticipation in her eyes to get me – Indeed, the gloating was so very obvious) – The Findings of the Ad Hoc Committee was released.
“The complaint outlines that the complainant feels that the:
- The By-Laws Clearly state the Democratic Committee and or its members cannot openly support Republicans
- This Complaint is based on a blog posting written in The Sullivan County Post titled the “Mouth That Roars”
In Accordance to the rules and regulations of the Sullivan County Democratic Committee revised and adopted on May 22, 2017, the Preamble states “the purpose of these rules is to inspire and encourage the greatest number of Democrats to participate in affairs of the Democratic Party of Sullivan County, to insure the Continuing success of the SCDC and to provide the best possible responsible government for the people of Sullivan County, it’s towns and State of New York”
The By Laws further state under Article 1 Section 2 “The County Committee shall consist of two members from each election district in Sullivan County, who shall be elected every 2 years on odd year.” The alleged complaint is about a county committee officer.
Furthermore, under Article VII Section 3, “The SCDC does not endorse candidates who are not registered democrats.”
In addition, under Article X section 1(b), “Members and officers of the Sullivan Democratic Committee shall not engage in Corrupt practices nor engage in conduct that creates appearance of conflict of interest with their party office.” The alleged complaint is about a member of the Sullivan County Democratic Committee.
Therefore, we hereby find the complaint to be warranted as an infraction of the said By-Laws of the Sullivan County Democratic Committee.
Members of the Ad Hoc Investigatory Committee.”
FACT: All this appears to be nothing more than modern day McCarthyism.
FACT: This was NOT an election where the electorate comes out to vote. This was an inhouse vote amongst legislators. It was their own reorganizational meeting that I voiced my opinion about.
FACT: If this Ad Hoc committee did its research they would have learned that I worked endlessly to get DEMOCRAT Miranda Behan elected when she ran for Sullivan County Legislator against Alvarez spending a great deal of my own time and money.
FACT: Alvarez even attended last year’s Democratic Jeffersonian Dinner.
FACT: I have helped Democrat after Democrat win elections.
FACT: If there was no witch-hunt against Bill Liblick for voicing his Freedom of Speech in this Democratic Democracy – Then this Ad Hoc Committee would have noticed that Four Democratic Sullivan County Legislators openly voted for Republican Luis Alvarez for Chairman and would have recommended that charges be brought against them.
FACT: All four legislators are on the Sullivan County Democratic Executive Committee and as GOOD BYLAW ABIDING DEMOCRATS SHOULD HAVE ABSTAINED FROM THE VOTE!
There have also been reports that Democratic Leaders in their attempt to make Samuelson Chair were touting Republican Legislator Terri Ward as Vice-Chair. Again – So Much for DEMOCRATIC LOYALITY.
Behind the shield of this pre-bylaw section is the fact that so called loyal Democrats like Mrs. LaBuda who is the former head of the Sullivan County Democratic Women’s Group and is the Chair of the Town of Mamakating Democratic Committee attended Republican State Senator John Bonacic’s fundraiser as did other prominent Democrats at this and other Republican events. In fact, there are pictures to prove all this.
I guess they did this perhaps because they feel that in local politics it’s about working together for the betterment of Sullivan County. Yeah Right!
Look – I am a Democrat and I am proud of that – I love Sullivan County and I want what’s best for Sullivan County.
And yes, because of ideology, I want to see Democrats elected and I work hard to get Democrats elected.
These people who are so angry at me for voicing my 1st Amendment Rights in an opinion column should instead put their energies into finding quality candidates to run for political office and get them elected.
I have been trying for years to get “Paula’s Law” passed in the Assembly and Senate. The legislation is named after my sister Paula who was brutally raped multiple times in her New York State run group home. No one was ever apprehended for these horrific crimes. “Paula’s Law” is an important piece of legislation that would place cameras outside New York State Run Group Homes and Day Programs to help guard the safety of the Developmentally Disabled. Where is the support from all our Democratic leaders in pushing this legislation?
Instead of helping the Developmentally Disabled and advocating for “Paula’s Law” – They are more concerned with stupid petty politics to oust Liblick from the Democratic Party because he wrote a column supporting a bipartisan coalition on the Sullivan County Legislature that appears to be working.
Democrats have been split for years in the New York State Senate preventing Democratic control of that legislative body. Through hard work those elected officials have put their differences aside and have finally united ensuring Democratic control of the State Senate. Perhaps the leadership of the Sullivan County Democratic Committee should learn from this, and instead of disenfranchising party members work to bring everyone together for the betterment of the Democratic Party and Sullivan County.
Thanks to a sliver of a vote the complaint against me was dropped by the Executive Committee – It missed by a vote to bring the allegations to the full Democratic Committee to vote to oust me.
I might be saved this time – But There Will Always Be a Next Time – Because This Mouth Will Continue to Roar!
I have always spoken about issues facing Sullivan County and use this forum as a dialogue for discussion and an exchange of ideas.
And – I am prepared to fight for My Freedom of Speech in any Court of Law to continue to do just that as a Democrat in our great Democratic Democracy!
This is not Nazi Germany or Putin’s Russia.
Bill Liblick has made a name for himself on National TV Talk Shows where he spouted his outspoken views from the front row. Now he offers you his opinion every week in the “MOUTH THAT ROARS” Column in THE SULLIVAN COUNTY POST.