The people of Sullivan County have spoken. Congratulations to Michael McGuire and John Bonacic.
Those elected must never forget the trust the people have placed in them.
Equally, it is time for everyone to come together and heal the wounds of the past several weeks. And, when I speak of wounds there are many.
Several weeks ago, my favorite Political Science professor Ann Quniley found me on Facebook, we reminisced about my passion for politics and desire for good government. She reminded me how I always fought the fought on issues and would never allow anyone or anything influence my opinions.
I am very thankful to The Sullivan County Democrat for allowing me to offer my opinions on various issues facing Sullivan County. Hopefully these columns are thought provoking and lead to honest discussion.
Because this is primarily a political column, I know there are people who monitor everything I write and do, especially come election time.
Criticism is often a good thing, but when it is alleged that I compromise this column for a particular candidate seeking an election for my own financial gain it becomes grim.
I want to assure you that I take very seriously the trust the Sullivan County Democrat places in me and I would never compromise the integrity of this newspaper in any way shape or form, and I resent those types of outlandish accusations.
The Sullivan County Democrat is one of the most respected, highly regarded, and prestigious news publications throughout New York State.
I am very thankful to Fred Stabbert III and his family for bringing us honest and responsible journalism for over one hundred years.
Editor Frank Rizzo is a distinguished news professional and Dan Hust is probably the most accurate and trustworthy journalist to ever report news in Sullivan County. Dan takes his job very seriously in reporting “The Who, What, Where, When, and Why” of a news story.
Cindy Barber, Mike McGuire, David Sager, and John Bonacic are all good people and they must be thanked for their desire to seek public office. It is now their job to unite us.
Democratic County Chairman Steve Wilkinson can also keep his head up high. He is one of the most hardworking, honest and caring political leaders this county has ever seen. The Republicans must equally be blamed for anything deemed as negative campaigning.
In the heat of an election people will say and do things that are hurtful and harmful. What is regarded as being negative by one person is seen as telling the truth by another.
I am sure we all already forgot when Neil Gilberg was seeking election as County Clerk and he was accused with placing our lives in danger by assisting World Trade Center bombers in obtaining driver’s licenses. And, we will soon forget this year’s campaigns just as fast.
As the 2010 elections become history, wait until next year when the entire legislature and all of our town supervisors will be up for election, and I bet “we ain’t seen nothing yet.”