One of the most important elections in Sullivan County history will take place on Tuesday as Sullivan County voters elect a new County Court Judge, County Clerk, a new legislature, town supervisors, as well as council members, and other positions including village trustees in Woodridge where there is a write-In campaign because no one knew there was a change in petitioning dates to get on the ballot.
The most talked about races are County Court Judge, County Clerk, and the Legislature. Many town positions are uncontested such as County Coroner where Alan Kesten is guaranteed reelection.
Judge Frank LaBuda is being forced to retire because of age restrictions. Voters will decide if they want District Attorney Jim Farrell or Mamakating Town Judge Cynthia Dolan replace him.
I have purposely been very quiet publicly about this race and the County Clerk’s. On the Sullivan County Post Facebook Page which I administer all candidates have been promoted.
Last week there was a big hullabaloo over a campaign mailer from Farrell and an attempt by those who have had a long history in smearing our District Attorney take it to a new level. It’s all partisan politics.
Despite what has been alleged, the Farrell mailer did indeed have a paid for tag on the flip side on the bottom. It might have been difficult to read because of printing, but it was there.
Mail houses and their postal bugs are used to mail political literature. They are hired by candidates to do professional mailings. For example, Steingart Printing during this election cycle mailed out many mailers from both Democrats and Republicans even though legislator Ira Steingart is a Democrat. They even printed, and in many cases designed those mailers. And, I might add, some of them even attacked Nadia Rajsz, Jim Farrell, and others.
Newspaper publications for political candidates including judges have been used for years. It is part of campaign marketing and it is nothing new or illegal.
To claim that Farrell is demeaning to woman because a picture of a cat was placed on a mailing is disgusting and outrageous. Jim Farrell has hired more women in the history of the District Attorney’s Office. His Chief Assistant is not only a respected woman, but a Democrat as well.
I want to make this clear – Anyone who knows Jim Farrell knows he is an honorable and ethical man. For anyone to say he is part of an “Ole Boys Club in Sullivan County” is a liar.
Cynthia Dolan is also a decent person. I have had many conversations with her throughout the past several months on a personal and political level and I have grown to know and respect her.
Voters will need to decide if they want Farrell to remain District Attorney or become out next County Court Judge in a Courtroom he has vast experience in.
On Saturday a mailer was sent out urging people to keep Farrell as DA saying Sullivan County would be filled with crime like Chicago if he weren’t. This disgusting mailer is an obvious attempt to mislead voters into voting for Dolan was mailed out from Palm Beach Florida and said it was paid for by Concerned Law Enforcement Citizens of Sullivan County. The truth is that practically every law enforcement organization has endorsed Farrell for County Court Judge.
Sullivan County has a long history in electing District Attorneys judges. William Deckelman, George Cooke, Louis Schienman, Benjamin Newberg, and Robert Williams were all District Attorneys. Even Frank LaBuda and Mike McGuire were Assistant District Attorneys.
There are distinct differences between Farrell and Dolan, and voters will need to do their own research and decide whom they feel can best understand the law and deliver a fair and just trial.
The bottom line is this – Vote for whom you feel will be the most qualified and experienced to be our County Court Judge for the next ten years and not the partisan political rhetoric.
County Clerk
The County Clerk race pits two personal friends – David Sager and Russell Reeves. Both men have a long history of dedicated service to Sullivan County.
Reeves is the current Deputy County Clerk under retiring County Clerk Dan Briggs, a Town of Liberty Councilman where he served as Acting Supervisor, and successful businessman. He has brought life to the Liberty Chamber of Commerce.
Sager is a former legislator, employee of our County Health and Family Services, Manager of Monticello, and a successful chiropractor.
I will cast my vote privately. We will be well served by whomever wins.
The District Attorney and County Clerk’s race is taking away a lot of attention that should be placed on the Legislature.
Not matter what happens – three current legislators will be gone in January as they are not seeking reelection.
It is true that during the past four years a lot has been accomplished and Democrats and Republicans have worked well together.
Among the accomplishments, our County workers have contract agreements, and a new Sheriff’s Office and Jail is completed.
Among the disappointments is the approval of a $4.5 million Visitor’s Center, the refusal to let the voters of Sullivan County decide if they want staggered terms and an elected County Executive, and an agreement on shared services between County Government and our Town and Villages.
Only Luis Alvarez and Nadia Rajsz of the current legislators voted against the $4.5 million visitor center, and in favor of the public voting on staggered terms.
The legislature will take up the shared service issue the day after election day.
District 1
Former Legislature Chairman Scott Samuelson who I am no fan of has what appears to be an uphill battle to win re-election. A group of Democrats led by Andy Boyar organized to oust Samuelson. They are supporting Republican Rob Doherty because they are angry that Samuelson voted to support Millennium compressor station, pushed the $4.5 million Visitor’s Center, and voted against the recommendations of the Charter Review Commission.
District 2
Legislature Vice Chair Nadia Rajsz has the endorsement of both the Democratic and Republican Parties. She deserves beyond a shadow of doubt re-election. Her opposition is former legislator Kathleen LaBuda who lost to Rajsz in the Democratic Primary. LaBuda was the main reason for all the disruption in former legislatures.
LaBuda’s lawsuit against her Rajsz following this year’s Primary Election, was a despicable attack on the electorate.
LaBuda could not accept that she lost the Primary, and in an act of desperation and selfishness, filed a lawsuit to undo the outcome lawfully voted on by the Democrats.
As the wife of a Judge, LaBuda should have shown greater respect for our judicial system and the decision rendered by the Judge. Nadia Rajsz deserves re-election.
District 3
Is an open seat with the retirement of Democrat Mark McCarthy. It pits former Sullivan County government employee Joe Colon against former Tri Valley School Board member Michael Brooks. The district is considered a swing seat, formerly being held by both Democrats and Republicans.
District 4
With Kathy Owens not seeking re-election, Democrats will have the opportunity to take back a seat lost in the last election when Jonathan Rouis was ousted.
Running on the Democratic Line is businesswoman Samara Farris and on the Republican line is Councilman Nick Salomone. Salomone is well known throughout the district, while Farris is a newcomer to politics. Farris supports the Visitor’s Center while Salomone is against spending $4.5 million.
District 5
This another open seat with Republican Terri Ward not seeking re-election. It pits former head of probation Louis Setren against Fremont Supervisor George Conklin. Both Setren and Conklin have been against spending $4.5 million on a visitor’s center.
District 6
This race pits Sullivan County Legislature Chairman Luis Alvarez against his former opponent Miranda Behan. As chairman, Alvarez has worked with both Democrats and Republicans. He voted against the $4.5 million visitor’s center and supports voters decide on staggered terms. Behan is highly regarded for speaking out on the issues. She supports small business, and is a true street fighter for what she believes in.
District 7
Legislator Joe Perrello is facing a challenge from former legislator Gene Benson. Benson who lost to Perrello in the last election cycle is running a grassroots street campaign to once again win the seat. Since being on the legislature, Perrello has confronted many issues such as economic development and public works. He also serves on the IDA board representing the legislature.
District 8
Ira Steingart is running unopposed. He serves as chairman of the IDA.
District 9
This is one of the most talked about races as longtime legislator Alan Sorensen faces a bold challenge from Village of Monticello Trustee George Nikolados. Sorensen is known as being the calming and intellectual legislator. Nikolados who’s family owns the Miss Monticello Diner, is against spending $4.5 million for a Visitor’s Center, while Sorensen supports it. The proposed visitor’s center will be in Rockhill which is part of the district.
To view the sample ballots in all of the districts, please visit
Polling places will be open from 6 AM to 9 PM. If you do not know where to vote – Call the Board of Elections at 845-807-0400.
No matter whom you decide for on Tuesday. Please Vote!
Bill Liblick has made a name for himself on National TV Talk Shows where he spouted his outspoken views from the front row. Now he offers you his opinion every week in the “MOUTH THAT ROARS” Column in THE SULLIVAN COUNTY POST.