On Thursday September 13, 2018 the second round of Primary Elections will be held.
If you recall, in June there was a hotly contested Democratic Primary for Congress. The turnout for that primary in Sullivan County was deplorable and those registered Democrats who continually complain about our government should be ashamed of themselves for not voting.
Although registered Democrats out number Republicans in Sullivan County – Democrats are not voting – And that has to change.
Even though we had some disagreements, former Sullivan County Democratic Chair Donna Schick did everything she could to push the Democratic wave in Sullivan County. Thanks to her efforts and hard work there is now a strong Democratic Women base in Sullivan County.
Newly elected Democratic Chairman Steve Vegliante has committed himself to get Democrats elected in Sullivan County through motivating Democrats and those voters nonaffiliated with a political party. He is also committed to working with other political parties to get the best representation for Sullivan County.
As we all know by now, State Senator John Bonacic is retiring from office and in November we will be electing a new representative. On Thursday, Democrats will decide who their candidate will be.
Although I would have liked to see someone from Sullivan County run for State Senate, no candidate emerged. Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther or Legislator Ira Steingart would have been ideal choices.
I am pleased to say there is an excellent choice for Democrats in the State Senate Primary on Thursday and that is Jen Metzger.
Jen Metzger would make all Democrats in Sullivan County proud if she is our candidate in the November election. She is smart, understands the needs of the Hudson Valley, and would be an outstanding voice and advocate fighting for the issues that affect all of us.
I am urging all registered Democrats to come out and vote Thursday for Jen Metzger – her opponent Pramilla Malick is a very nice woman, but she is a one issue candidate, and it would be an uphill battle for her to win in November.
The candidates on the Democratic Party ballot are:
Cynthia E. Nixon
Andrew M. Cuomo
Lt. Governor:
Kathy C. Hochul
Jumaane Williams
Attorney General:
Sean Patrick Maloney
Letitia A. James
Leecia R. Eve
Zephyr Teachout
NY State Senator, District 42:
Pramilla Malick
Jen Metzger
Sample Ballots:
Sample Ballots for the Democratic Party are available for viewing at the Sullivan County Board of Elections website: http://sullivanny.us/sites/default/files/departments/boe/Sample_Ballots/SullivanSampleBallots_DEM1.pdf
There will also be a NY Reform Party ballot for those registered to the NY Reform party voting for the state committee seats. The Sample Ballot is available for viewing at: http://sullivanny.us/sites/default/files/departments/boe/Sample_Ballots/2018/state_primary/SullivanSampleBallots_REF2.pdf
Due to a change in NY Reform Party rules, those registered voters who are not enrolled in any party may vote for candidates running for the Attorney General position on the NY Reform ballot. A Sample Ballot is available for viewing at: http://sullivanny.us/sites/default/files/departments/boe/Sample_Ballots/2018/state_primary/SullivanSampleBallots_REF3.pdf
Voting by Absentee:
The last day to postmark an Absentee Ballot Application is September 6, 2018.
Absentee Ballot Applications are available at the New York State Board of Elections website: http://www.elections.ny.gov/NYSBOE/download/voting/AbsenteeBallot-English.pdf
September 12 is the last day to postmark the primary absentee ballot or to apply in person at the Sullivan County Board of Elections for a primary ballot.
Remember to Vote on Thursday, September 13, 2018. Polls are open from 12 Noon to 9:00 p.m.
Various candidates have been saying that these mid-term elections are the “most important in our lifetime.”
While EVERY election is important, why are the mid-term elections so critical?
Our quality of life – to an extent we may not be aware of – is affected by the amount of taxes we pay, and how those tax dollars are returned to our County and our Region in the form of services and funds that improve our infrastructure, preserve our environment and prevent flooding, maintain clear air and clean water, sustain public safety services, contribute to our economic development, and create healthy communities to name just a few.
We need to vote for candidates that will work hard for us – the people they represent.
Enough with the complaining – Get out and Vote!
Call the Board of Elections at (845) 807-0400 for polling place information.
Bill Liblick has made a name for himself on National TV Talk Shows where he spouted his outspoken views from the front row. Now he offers you his opinion every week in the “MOUTH THAT ROARS” Column in THE SULLIVAN COUNTY POST.