Today we mark one of the most somber times in our Nation’s history, the sixteenth anniversary of what has simply become known as 911.
Everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing at the time they learned of the devastating and unexplainable terrorist attacks.
Sullivan County will host these Memorial Services today:
Mongaup Valley – 8 a.m. – 9/11 Memorial Services – Smallwood-Mongaup Valley Fire Department, 181 Ballard Road, Mongaup Valley
Liberty – 6 p.m. – 9/11 Tribute – Main Street Stage, sponsored by Henrietta Phelps and the Town of Liberty. Refreshments served after the ceremony.
Eldred – 6 p.m. – 9/11 Memorial Service, Heroes Park Monument. Guest speaker is Sullivan County Commissioner of Jurors George L. Cooke. Refreshments served following ceremony.
Monticello – 7 p.m. – 9/11 Memorial Service, Fire House, 23 Richardson Avenue. Inviting: Fire Service, EMS, Law Enforcement, Veterans, general public. 794-6330 or
Wurtsboro – 7 p.m. – Patriots Day Memorial Walk and Candlelight Service. Sponsored by American Legion Post 1266 and Wurtsboro Fire Station. Line-up at Wurtsboro Fire House. Inviting all Sullivan County fire, police, EMS departments and agencies. Refreshments to follow. 845-701-2173 for information.
As a Nation we will and can never be the same. Life has indeed changed us forever.
We all know someone who was in the World Trade Center as the towers collapsed.
Many of us remember Jack Genovese’s 37 year-old son Steven who died on 911 and Jack’s tribute to his son with a memorial painted on his car.
My friend Timothy Sullivan, who had just retired as the head of the Bronx Zoo, worked only one day every eight weeks at the World Trade Center. He worked on 911. Tim perished in the collapse of the towers.
My friend Sally Regenhard became a national activist and one of the leading voices for families after the death of her 28 year-old son Christian, a New York City firefighter. Sally is now an advocate for skyscraper safety.
Several years ago I joined my friend Amy Engelberg at a private taping of the Joy Behar Show on HLN. Amongst Joy’s guests were two people who were in the World Trade Center Towers when they collapsed, their heroic stories of survival were heart wrenching.
Former Wall Street executive Lauren Manning discussed the pain and endless nightmare she lives with from a fireball that burnt 80 percent of her body. Manning’s incredible story can be read in the inspirational book Unmeasured Strength.
It was Michael Hingson’s story that was most riveting. Hingson, who is blind, was rescued and dragged down 1,463 stairs by his Seeing Eye dog Roselle. His story can be read in the book Thunder Dog.
As I left Amy, I walked along Sixth Avenue by the now closed St. Vincent’s Hospital where 911 victims were brought. The blackened Emergency sign bears an American Flag next to it with another sign that reads “Although we are gone, the family of St. Vincent’s will never forget.”
A new and striking Freedom Tower -World Trade Center along with a heartbreaking and touching 911 Museum is standing in lower Manhattan. The ironwork outside of St. Paul’s Chapel in downtown Manhattan is filled with white ribbons in remembrance of those who passed.
As Memorial Services are held worldwide – Sullivan County residents are doing their part in remembering those who died. Touching memorial services are being held throughout Sullivan County uniting diverse people in commemoration of those who passed on 911.
As a Nation and World Leader – We must take strong measures to prevent such crimes from ever happening again.
None of us will ever understand nor accept acts of terrorism.
Those who died on 911 did not die in vain. They are part of what has made America and all of us stronger.
May they all Rest in Peace.
Bill Liblick has made a name for himself on National TV Talk Shows where he spouted his outspoken views from the front row. Now he offers you his opinion every week in the “MOUTH THAT ROARS” Column in THE SULLIVAN COUNTY POST.