Joanne Gerow has set her life’s mission to create a facility in Sullivan County to house animals involved in seizure, cruelty, or abandonment along with a program to spray or neuter our strays.
Gerow who serves as a Constable/Animal Control Officer for many of our municipalities formed Catskill Animal Rescue, Inc. to address the critical lack of resources and services available in Sullivan County.
With remarkable assistance of Amy and Les Kristt and other dedicated animal lovers – in just one short year – Catskill Animal Rescue has had a major impact in Sullivan County.
Gerow who serves as President and Founder, told me, “Along with board members, Les and Amy Kristt, Eugene Scheiman, Laurie Dutcher and a growing army of volunteers, we have provided an array of services and a heavy dose of kindness to many animals in Sullivan County.”
Since last November Catskill Animal Rescue has spayed/neutered over 650 cats. Gerow Noted, “This substantially drops the epidemic overpopulation of cats in our community.”
They have placed over 75 dogs in homes, and have assisted in the placement of several victims of animal cruelty and provided extensive veterinary care for these animals.
“We are working on improving local law, including the creation of an Animal Cruelty Registry for our County. We have provided dog/cat food to people who could not afford it along with many other small acts of good will too numerous to mention.”
Gerow added, “We forge into the future with a commitment to make Sullivan County a model for Animal Welfare with a realistic and logical approach. We cannot have success without the support of our community and businesses within. “
Gerow said their goals ultimately include a permanent shelter, adoption, low cost spay/neuter, assistance to the elderly, public education and community services pertaining to Sullivan County’s animals.
She said the ultimate goal is to “combine resources within the municipalities of Sullivan County, local Law Enforcement agencies and County Government (mandated under NYS law to maintain specific services) to Law Enforcement agencies and County Government (mandated under NYS law to maintain specific services) to provide a self- sustaining and all inclusive Animal Care and Control resource for our community.”
The commitment and dedication of Catskill Animal Rescue to do something about our stray animal population warrants all of our attention and support. I have seen Joanne in action firsthand, and she is one remarkable woman.
Everyone who knows Joanne has nothing but praise for her dedication and commitment to our animals.
Amy Kristt who serves on the Board of Catskill Animal Rescue recently told me that “Joanne Gerow brings an unparalleled knowledge of our community, the law and what is needed. As a board member, I look forward to working with her to take Catskill Animal Rescue, Inc. from its infancy stage to a well- developed, multi- faceted rescue, devoted to the comfort and well- being of the animals of Sullivan County. They deserve nothing less. I have faith that the members of our communities will step up to the plate to help make CARE what the animal in our County deserve. The future is looking very bright and I am confident we will have great success.”
District Attorney Jim Farrell who works closely with Gerow told me “Joanne Gerow is a credit to law enforcement in the area of animal abuse. She truly cares about her work and puts 100% in everything she does. My office will continue to work closely with her on these types of cases to make sure animal abusers are held accountable. I fully support her initiative to create a centralized animal facility to serve our county as it will only enhance our ability to protect animals that have been abused and maltreated.”
Legislator Cora Edwards, who heads the legislature’s Public Safety and Law Enforcement Committee, called Gerow is a “true public servant for Sullivan County and the municipalities she covers.”
Edwards said Gerow has “taken on a difficult, thankless task in many ways, and done it with professionalism and a compassionate heart. That is a winning combination – not just for the animals but also for the children and adults she encounters. We are fortunate to have someone like Joanne spearheading the effort for an animal sanctuary – a public/private partnership in the best sense – in our County. It is obvious from all the hard work Joanne has put in that there is widespread support for these efforts.
On October 10, 2015, Catskill Animal Rescue, Inc. will be celebrating its One Year Anniversary with a very special Benefit dinner at Mr. Willy’s.
The evening festivities will include a Silent Auction. They are collecting exciting items, gift certificates and services to offer.
The evening will also pay tribute to honor three veterinarians that have been helpful to Catskill Animal Rescue. Dr. Scott Quick of Quality Pet Care from Monticello, Dr. Joseph D’Abbraccio from Catskill Veterinary Services in in Wurtsboro, and Dr. Joseph Nebzydoski from the Youngsville Veterinary Clinic.
Tickets are $65 and can still be obtained by contacting Les Kristt directly at Kristt Company 794-6399, 794-6639.
Thank you Joanne Gerow and Amy and Les Kristt for all you are doing for Catskill Animal Rescue.
For more information on Catskill Animal Rescue please contact Joanne Gerow at (845) 866-3366, or Amy Kristt at (845) 866- 2203
Bill Liblick has made a name for himself of National TV Talk Shows where he spouted his outspoken views from the front row. Now he offers you his opinion every week in the “MOUTH THAT ROARS” Column in the Sullivan County Post