Every ten years a commission is appointed by members of the legislature to begin the work of looking into our County Charter and investigating our form of government.
The Charter Review Commission will spend approximately the next two years looking into and researching all aspects of our County Government. All meetings will be held in the public and include various speakers as well as public hearings. The input from all Sullivan County residents is imperative.
At the end of the day, the Charter Review Commission will issue a final report to the legislature recommending what they feel works in County Government and what they feel needs change. The legislature will ultimately decide what recommendations they want to implement.
The last time the Charter Review Commission met they recommended among other things that the Sheriff’s Patrol be included in the County Charter and that the legislature hold a referendum on whether we should change our form of government to include the position of an elected County Executive.
The former legislature decided to act of the Sheriff’s Patrol, but ignored the County Executive recommendation.
The new Charter Review Commission is expected to once again actively take up the County Executive issue as well as look into staggering the terms of members of the legislature so all nine are not up for election at the same time.
The members of the Charter Review Commission consist of a diverse group of people who are dedicated to future of Sullivan County.
I am honored to be one of the thirteen members of the Charter Review Commission that also includes Paul Burckard, James J. Hanson, Nadia Rajsz, Bruce Ferguson, Steve Altman, Ken Walter, Dave Forshay, Larry Richardson, Peg Harrison, Ray Nargizian and Sandra Johnson Fields. One additional member will be appointed shortly.
At the first meeting of the Charter Review Commission Steven Acquario Executive Director of the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) addressed the Commission.
Acquqrio spoke for over 90 minutes in detail explaining County Government in New York State and how the Charter Review Commission must research every aspect of our municipal government.
He said that the approval of Casino Gaming in Sullivan County will change every aspect of our lives from infrastructure to quality of life issues.
Out of 57 counties outside of New York City, 23 have charters, 18 of them have elected county executives and five have county managers. Ulster County and most recently Montgomery County have changed their forms of government to include a County Executive.
Acquqrio told Commission members, “Going through this exercise of understanding the government, its role, its purpose, even if you came out of this process and said we like our government, we think it functions just fine, you’ve done your job and you’ve helped the people of this county and the future generations.”
Members of the legislature including Scott Samuelson, Cora Edwards, Gene Benson, Ira Steingart, and Kathleen LaBuda also attended the meeting, as did County Treasurer Nancy Buck, County Clerk Dan Briggs, County Manager Josh Potosek, Liberty Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, as well as many Department heads.
The next meeting of the Charter Review Commission will be held on Wednesday March 25m 2015 at 5 PM in the Legislative Hearing Room in the Sullivan County Government Center.
To view the Sullivan County Charter please visit:
Bill Liblick has made a name for himself on National TV Talk Shows where he spouted his outspoken views from the front row. Now he offers you his opinion every week in the “MOUTH THAT ROARS” Column in THE SULLIVAN COUNTY POST.