The 2014 election cycle is now over.
The voters in Sullivan County have spoken, and although there were no surprises, what was most disappointing was the low voter turnout.
In essence, unlike next year when the entire legislature, County Clerk, County Treasurer, all Town Supervisors and many other local town positions will be up for grabs – Sullivan County voters had very little motivation to come out and vote this year because our votes literally had no influence on the outcome statewide.
Voters in Sullivan County like across the State and Country are disgusted with politicians who do very little to work together for the common good and strive for a productive functioning government. Voter apathy is at level highs.
I have always maintained that it is our civic duty and obligation to vote in every election.
Locally – Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther and State Senator John Bonacic who have been our hardworking voices in Albany both ran unopposed.
Although many political experts expected the Congressional race between Congressman Chris Gibson and Billionaire Sean Eldridge to be a dog race, it was really uneventful from the start.
Eldridge, who spent millions in television ads and glossy mailers, proved that money does not buy votes or win elections on a local level. Equally his carpet bagging issue did not influence the outcome.
The simple truth is that Eldridge did not click with the electorate. His campaign was filled with contradictions and was constantly on the attack against Gibson whom is not only likable – but is considered a moderate with a proven record of working with both Republicans and Democrats.
Gibson was a great campaigner. He knew how to pound the flesh and look someone in the eye and discuss the issues.
Although he has not given a timeframe, Gibson says he supports term limits. I am certain one day he will seek higher office or be appointed to a Federal of Statewide position.
I am convinced that we have not heard the last from Eldridge. What he needs to do is establish himself in the district and not just use his home in Ulster County as a stepping stone to run for political office.
Eldridge also needs to study this election so he can reflect on what he and his campaign advisors did wrong. He did not lose the election because of a national wave.
The strong anti Cuomo vote in Sullivan County was no surprise. Everyone saw it coming, especially when the unknown Zephyr Teachout beat him in a Democratic Party in September.
At the end of the day – Our votes did not matter to Cuomo. We all knew this from the start. Unlike four years ago, there was no effort from his campaign to reach out to Sullivan County voters.
Last year at this time Andrew Cuomo was our hero. He flew to Sullivan County and landed at Bethel Woods to celebrate the passage of Proposition One. His ring was even kissed.
Little did we know that we would go through the agony of the possibility of seeing casinos being built in Orange County and the reality of seeing our dreams of economic revitalization with resort destinations being flushed down the toilet!
Our odds to house two gaming halls remain uncertain with the Gaming Commission scheduling another meeting on Monday afternoon to go into executive session to discuss the financial backgrounds of those applying for a license. No decision is expected to be reached at that time.
Mark my words – If Sullivan County is awarded two casinos – All will be forgiven and Andrew Cuomo will once again be our hero. I am certain he will be here to celebrate with us.
The fact of the matter is that the political shelf life is very short. We will soon forget the election on 2014.
I can guarantee that the election cycle of 2015 will not be as dull in Sullivan County. As the snow begins to melt and the ground thaws – the mud will definitely be swinging.
Bill Liblick has made a name for himself on National TV Talk Shows where he spouted his outspoken views from the front row. Now he offers you his opinion every week in the “MOUTH THAT ROARS” Column in THE SULLIVAN COUNTY POST.